Mt Morgan, Murrin-Murrin & Yamarna

APA Group




Procurement & Construction (EPC)

Switch & Control Rooms


Due to anticipated development projects along the Eastern Goldfields Pipeline area, a compressor station is required on the GGP, at the inlet of Murrin Murrin Lateral, consisting of a single Solar Turbines Saturn S20 Compressor Package. APA Group is also installing new gas transmission pipelines for supply of fuel gas to the Yamarna Power Station & Mount Morgan Power Station.


Aerison was engaged as the primary contractor to deliver the engineering and design, civil, structural, mechanical, fabrication, installation, and commissioning works.

The scope included:

  • Mechanical, structural, and civil design, fabrication and testing, subcontracts, transportation and all other items necessary for the supply of the Control Huts and battery room for the Yamarna, Mount Morgan & Murrin-Murrin Gas Pipeline Projects.


  • The project was delivered on time, on budget and in the case of Mount Morgan with a very short lead
  • 12 weeks from design to delivery, securing Aerison as a preferred supplier to APA Group.
